What You Need To Stop Smoking Is:
Stopping smoking is not easy but it can be done. To be successful you have to really want to stop and you have to be ready. QUIT’s web site will give you practical guidance on how to quit.
There are 12 million ex-smokers in the UK. If they can do it so can you! Many smokers need more than one attempt before they stop completely but each time they learn more about themselves and their habit and are better prepared for the next attempt.
Hundreds of ex-smokers enter Quitter of the Year. To provide some inspiration we have the stories of successful quitters. Quitter of the Year has been inspirational to the thousands of smokers who want to quit. Take a look at We’ve QUIT.
It’s important to get support from family and friends, local support groups and specialist smokers clinics. Quitline can provide details of these services. Ring Quitline at any time during your quitting process, friendly counsellors offer confidential help and advice 0800 00 22 00.
Every smokers experience of trying to stop is different and what works for one successful quitter will not necessarily work for another. However, there are certain things that many smokers do find helpful and may be of help so you can devise your own plan on how to quit. You can try all or any of the following – Preparation, For and Against and a Your Diary.
You need to find the best method to suit you. Perhaps you can do it with willpower alone but often additional support can make a significant difference. Take a look at our available guides….